Four of Pentacles Card Meaning or General Aspects (पहलू) in Tarot Cards
It's a positive card.
This person is obsessed with money and materialism.
The positive thing about the card is that it has lots of property.
But there is a problem in its nature. It is stuck, not spending money or restricted by money.
Relation: You are obsessed with your wife and asking questions like where you are going, and why you are going, and make video calls and texts.
Same in Health: You are restricted in every single thing.
Guidance: That money will not go with you. Spend it where it is needed.
Energies for Yes/No Answers:
Marriage: No
Childbirth: No
Travel: No
Health Issue: No
Property/Vehicle: Yes
Career: Yes
Feelings: The relationship is moving in a positive direction. he is obsessed with you.