Nine of Cups Card Meaning or General Aspects (पहलू) in Tarot Cards
He is sitting in a way and showing cups as if his relationships are his medals.
Cups are relations.
He is so happy with the relationships that he has displayed. In a way showing cups in card
You are one of those people who can make 10 calls and tell people that today my son did this, today he won this cup, etc.
You met someone at a wedding and you started talking about your children without any question. My son is settled in that country. My daughter became a doctor and wrote theses.
Neither he is not Proud, nor arrogant. Just that he is happy. The emotions are flowing out of you.
If you talk about business, it will start. Look, I started with such little money. Today my employees are doing this. He is so happy about all the relations, and employees. He is so proud of his achievement. He feels that his business is his strength.
If we talk about health, then he will also start. Look, I am 60 years old, and still, there is no disease. He is very happy.
This is a very very positive card.
Guidance: Make your relationship your strength.