Page of Pentacles Card Meaning or General Aspects (पहलू) in Tarot Cards
Immaturity in handling of finesse.
Money is there, status is already there because there is a page card.
Money is held on tips. This means carelessness.
Know how to spend but not how to take care of things.
Think of earning money, too. Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, it will run out one day.
Same for health: You are not taking care of your health.
Same in relation: you are carefree.
Right now you are not an issue but in the future, you will have if you remain carefree.
Energies for Yes/No Answers:
Marriage: No
Childbirth: No
Travel: No
Health Issue: No
Property/Vehicle: No
Career: No
Feelings: He is in love with you and very positive for you. He feels you complete him. He appreciate your support.