Three of Pentacles Card Meaning - Minor Archana (Tarot Cards)

Three of Pentacles Card Meaning - Minor Archana (Tarot Cards)

Three of Pentacles Card Meaning or General Aspects (पहलू) in Tarot Cards

It's a Negative card.

You are trapped in this materialistic problem.

Example: Tax notice has arrived in business.

Example: Car loan was not repaid, issue came up.

There have been issues related to money. For which your guidance is needed. There is a need for counseling.

This issue will not resolve itself now. Because there is too much blackness in the card.

In health for example: If you are unable to conceive then you need a doctor's opinion. Now YouTube's tips will not work.

In Business: if legal problems. Then go to CA.

Health: Go to the physician.

There is too much blackness in the card. If you don't follow the guidance, issues will arise.