Two of Wands Card Meaning - Minor Archana (Tarot Cards)

Two of Wands Card Meaning - Minor Archana (Tarot Cards)

Two of Wands Card Meaning or General Aspects (पहलू) in Tarot Cards

This is a positive card. He has held his career very well and the second wand is also standing.

It means he has more opportunities too. This card has the energy of expansion.  Because the globe is in his hands.

This card says that you should expand your business.

This card also says that your work can be interstate, international, or global.

This means you can get online work, interstate work, or foreign jobs.

In your career life, you are very happy and prosperous.

Relationship: Perfect balance between wife and parents, and friends and family.

Health: Perfectly balanced

Only one problem with this card. If you make the question negative.

If you said that you have got this disease then this card says that expansion is possible. Pay attention.

You said that there is a fight in my relations. So this card says that there can be an increase. Be careful.

Guidance: Make a Balance

But note this, there is nothing negative in the general question. Only when a negative question comes you can say pay attention.